Politics 18/03/2025, 13:00
"We want to skim off unearned profits"
Berlin - The Left Party has gained a lot of support. In opposition, the party wants to campaign for socially just climate protection. To achieve this, excess profits of energy suppliers must be skimmed off, heating subsidies must be socially staggered and ETS 2 must be cancelled, said Lorenz Gösta Beutin, vice-chairman of the Left Party, in an interview.
Politics 17/03/2025, 16:35
Eon and RWE: ETS is to be at the centre of climate policy
Essen - Just in time for the coalition negotiations, Eon and RWE have published what is needed to get the energy transition on track. The ETS is to become the lead instrument, offshore expansion is to be minimised and electrolysis targets are to be abolished.
Politics 17/03/2025, 16:26
Amendment to the Basic Law becomes more likely
Berlin - Ahead of the decisive session of the Bundestag on the amendment of the Basic Law, there are indications that Bavaria is likely to vote in favour of the planned billion-euro debt package from the CDU/CSU and SPD in the Federal Council. However, there are still uncertainties.
Politics 17/03/2025, 15:51
Expert opinion: Less climate protection is unconstitutional
Berlin - New government, new climate protection policy. However, it cannot simply revoke existing climate protection measures. At least according to a legal opinion commissioned by the CDU-affiliated Climate Union.