Politics 21/02/2025, 13:08
"Renewables should not align their operations with state payments"
Berlin - Agora Energiewende has developed a successor model for the Renewable Energy Sources Act remuneration: A combination of PPAs and contracts for difference. Fabian Huneke, project manager at Agora, explained how this can avoid market distortions and reduce financing risks and what all this has to do with the H2 ramp-up.
Politics 21/02/2025, 12:10
Nuclear Committee confirms party positions
Berlin - The Bundestag's committee of enquiry, which investigated the circumstances surrounding the German nuclear phase-out, has presented its final report. In it, the parties see their assessments fundamentally confirmed. The issue of nuclear energy also played a role in the Bundestag election campaign, which is now drawing to a close.
Politics 21/02/2025, 11:51
Energy prices: Industry presses for rapid relief
Berlin - The glass and paper industry has urged a short-term reduction in electricity and gas prices for companies. A new government would have to take care of such a reduction within the first 100 days.
Politics 20/02/2025, 17:34
EU Parliament wants tax exemption for renewables
Brussels - The Permanent Ambassadors to the EU have discussed the EU Commission's energy tax reform proposal nine times without any results. Now the EU Parliament's Energy Committee (ITRE) has joined the debate. A tax exemption for the use of renewable energies is to be made mandatory.