

Politics 13/01/2025, 09:51

Liberal Democratic FDP in favour of alternative fuels

Berlin - In an expansion of its election programme, the FDP (Liberal Democratic Party) is in favour of counting alternative fuels as a climate protection measure. It also wants to reform the EU Buildings Directive and overturn the ban on fossil fuelled heating systems contained therein.
Politics 10/01/2025, 16:30

Economic institutes urge reduction in electricity prices

Berlin - The German Economic Institute, which is close to employers, and the trade union-affiliated Hans Böckler Foundation have published papers with recommendations on economic policy. Both argue in favour of lowering electricity prices and meeting climate deadlines. However, they are at odds with each other when it comes to the question of measures.
Politics 10/01/2025, 16:16

Climate target no longer achievable even with CO2 removal

Berlin - 2024 was the warmest year since records began. The global average temperature was 1.6 degrees above the pre-industrial level. Even with the use of CO2 removal technologies, the 1.5-degree target will probably no longer be achieved.
Politics 09/01/2025, 16:32

IGBCE trade union wants two-year electricity price guarantee

Hanover - The German Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IGBCE) is calling for a political guarantee that the price of electricity will remain stable for at least two years. This would also require an increase in the CO2 price to be waived. The state has so far failed to deliver in terms of transformation policy.

Market & Industry


Power 10/01/2025, 16:05

Renewable Energy Sources Act costs on the path to normalisation

Berlin - The promotion of renewables cost the federal government around 18.5 billion euros this year. This is 7.9 billion euros more than originally planned by the transmission system operators. While criticism of the costs has repeatedly arisen throughout the year, the rising figure can also be seen as normalisation following the energy crisis.
Power 10/01/2025, 16:05

Europe is building too few wind farms

Brussels/Münster - The expansion of wind power in Europe is not sufficient to achieve the climate targets for 2030. According to Wind Europe, only 15,000 MW were installed in 2024 - twice as many would be needed. According to an initial analysis, the expansion in Germany is at the same level as the previous year.
Power 10/01/2025, 14:00

RWE puts another large storage facility into operation

Essen/Hamm - Large electricity storage facilities are important in a system with many renewable generation plants in order to compensate for fluctuations in generation. RWE has now connected a new plant to the grid. Its purpose is to provide balancing power.
Power 10/01/2025, 10:00

"Distribution system operators need real-time data"

Haßfurt/Jyväskylä - The digitalisation of grids in Germany is still making slow progress. The Finnish company Aidon wants to accelerate these processes and is also relying on the experience gained in Northern Europe. energate spoke to Carlo Lazar, smart grid expert at Aidon, about the company's plans.

Gas & Heat