

Politics 15/01/2025, 17:57

Combined Heat and Power Act amendment: Industry urges haste

Berlin - The German Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) must be extended as soon as possible. This was the view of numerous experts and industry representatives at the hearing on the draft law in the parliamentary committee. According to the VKU, EU approval under state aid law could be a critical factor in the extension of the CHP Act.
Politics 15/01/2025, 17:06

Emissions trading: Experts want longer fixed price phase

Berlin - The German parliament's Committee on Climate Protection and Energy has discussed the planned amendment to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG). The majority of the invited experts argued in favour of its adoption as soon as possible - albeit with one amendment.
Politics 15/01/2025, 14:02

German Energy Industry Act amendment: Grid operators disagree on federal requirements plan

Berlin - At the hearing on the heavily abridged amendment to the Energy Industry Act in the Committee on Climate Protection and Energy, the experts had hardly any requests for changes and argued in favour of its rapid adoption. There was only disagreement on the Federal Requirements Plan Act.
Politics 15/01/2025, 12:04

Deneff sees energy efficiency as a key policy area

Berlin - The German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency (Deneff) has called on the parties to focus more on energy efficiency in their energy policy ahead of the elections. Meanwhile, Klima-Allianz Deutschland has called for more investment in climate protection. To back up its demand, it relied on a survey of voters.

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