

Market & Industry

Market & Industry 22/01/2025, 16:30

ECJ judgement fuels debate on industrial network charges

Berlin - A ruling by the European Court of Justice on industrial discounts on grid usage fees has given new impetus to the debate on the Federal Network Agency's ongoing reform of grid usage fees. The ECJ ruled that exemptions from the fees for industry for 2012 and 2013 are illegal. Consumer advocates hope that the ruling will have an impact on the reform process in Germany.
Market & Industry 22/01/2025, 13:40

Hopes for hydrogen business fading

Stuttgart - In view of the sluggish market ramp-up for hydrogen, many utilities are adjusting their expectations for the development of this business area. According to a study, a clear majority of the industry now assumes that hydrogen will play "no significant role" for their business.
Market & Industry 22/01/2025, 13:10

Stadtwerke Heidenheim restructures its management board

Heidenheim - The public utility Stadtwerke Heidenheim has expanded its management board. As a result of a reorganisation, the previous sole member of the Board has been strengthened by two additional members, both from within the company.
Market & Industry 22/01/2025, 11:07

"It is necessary to strengthen flexibility"

Essen - The aluminium industry is able to adapt to fluctuating energy inputs. Nevertheless, more flexibility is needed. This also includes the recognition of asymmetric flexibility, says Andreas Lützerath, member of the executive board of Trimet Aluminium SE, in an interview with energate.


Gas & Heat