

Market & Industry

Market & Industry 09/10/2024, 16:11

"We want to simplify energy trading radically"

Frankfurt/Main - The start-up Otark wants to bring together commercial electricity consumers and operators of wind and solar parks via a trading platform. energate spoke to founder and CEO Jan Quecke about the business idea and the current challenges facing industry and commerce when it comes to energy procurement.
Market & Industry 08/10/2024, 15:19

Great Britain initiates billions in funding for CCS

London - The British government plans to invest the equivalent of almost 26 billion euros in the development of CCUS infrastructure over the next 25 years. The government hopes that this will create 50,000 jobs in the long term and incentivise more than 9 billion euros in private sector investment.
Market & Industry 08/10/2024, 13:48

Global decarbonisation stagnates

Düsseldorf - The reduction of global CO2 emissions has come to a standstill. One reason: The expansion of renewable energy capacities is not keeping pace with the increasing global demand for energy. Fossil fuels therefore often remain the fuel of choice. Meanwhile, the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement is receding into the distance.
Market & Industry 08/10/2024, 11:16

Entega equips Merck with onsite solar park

Darmstadt - The Darmstadt-based pharmaceutical company Merck has commissioned a solar park at its Gernsheim site (Hesse) to supply its own power. The plant with an output of 7 MW was built on land belonging to the Merck Industrial Park and will supply the site with electricity in future.


Gas & Heat