

Politics 06/09/2024, 16:45

Capacity auctions between delay and complexity

Berlin - There are still many unanswered questions regarding the power plant strategy. This became clear at the energate digital talk on the topic. The participants were unanimous in their desire for rapid clarity. However, there are different ideas on how to organise the tenders and the capacity market.
Politics 06/09/2024, 15:41

UBA does not release certificates for UER projects from China

Berlin - The Federal Environment Agency is continuing to work on clearing up the fraud scandals surrounding the Upstream Emission Reductions (UER). The authority will now not release certificates from eight Chinese projects due to irregularities. There will now also be stricter on-site inspections. The UBA has sought external help for this.
Politics 05/09/2024, 15:30

Amendment to repowering raises questions

Berlin - The Federal Cabinet adopted an amendment to the Building Code on 4 September. It provides for simplifications for geothermal energy. However, there is also a second planned amendment to the law. It is intended to implement the European RED III directive - and is causing project developer Juwi to frown.
Politics 05/09/2024, 11:41

EU Commission authorises aid for Cuxhaven port

Brussels - The harbour in Cuxhaven is to be expanded. The federal government and the state of Lower Saxony want to invest hundreds of millions of euros in the project. The EU has now given the green light for this, as the expansion could also boost wind power.

Market & Industry

Market & Industry 06/09/2024, 15:59

IT start-up Reonic raises 13 million euros from investors

Augsburg - Cleantech start-up Reonic wants to conquer Europe with software for solar installers, heating engineers and municipal utilities. This is to be made possible by a financial injection in the double-digit million range.
Market & Industry 06/09/2024, 15:33

Federal Network Agency wants to "expect more" from smaller grid operators

Bonn - In view of the serious changes in the energy market, grid operators also need to move: Speed is of the essence when it comes to grid connections and digitalisation. The Federal Network Agency wants to take a closer look here - even at grid operators that are undergoing the simplified procedure.
Market & Industry 06/09/2024, 13:59

VZBV fights for more clarity in price adjustment letters

Berlin/Gera - Insufficiently clearly worded letters in customer communications can violate the German Energy Industry Act. This is shown by a recent judgement obtained by the VZBV against Stadtwerke Jena-Pößneck. The municipal supplier has since rectified the criticised shortcomings.
Market & Industry 06/09/2024, 12:56

"We want to create new mechanisms in incentive regulation"

Bonn - Five instead of just three years for a regulatory period, more precise calculations for trade tax and more pressure on small grid operators to be efficient? The energate editorial team spoke to the head of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, about the controversial points in the further development of incentive regulation.


Gas & Heat