

Politics 10/03/2025, 12:14

Post-election negotiations fail to include climate protection

Berlin - Germany's CDU/CSU and SPD parties have concluded their exploratory negotiations. In terms of energy policy, the parties are planning to reduce electricity prices by at least five cents per kWh. Climate protection hardly plays a role in the exploratory paper. However, gas-fired power plant capacity is to be significantly expanded.
Politics 07/03/2025, 16:19

Initiative calls for more speed in Berlin's energy transition

Berlin - A Berlin alliance of companies, associations and institutions has presented a ten-point programme to increase energy efficiency in the capital and reduce bureaucratic hurdles to climate protection.
Politics 07/03/2025, 15:00

Special fund does not guarantee energy investments

Berlin - The law on the special fund does not guarantee investment in energy infrastructure. The draft law, which is intended to amend the constitution, does not specify which infrastructure may be invested in. The energy sector is sounding warnings about dependence on fossil fuels and ideas for potential savings.
Politics 06/03/2025, 12:21

Ariadne: Energy transition costs up to 131 billion euros per year

Berlin - When it comes to the costs of the energy transition, different figures are circulating. Researchers from the Ariadne project have now come up with a maximum figure of 131 billion euros per year by 2045, although a large proportion of this can be offset by savings in fossil fuels.

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