Gas & Heat 11/12/2024, 16:50
Many oil and gas heating systems still in use in 2044
Cologne - What will the heating market look like in 2044? Scientists at the EWI in Cologne have looked into this question. One result: oil and gas heating systems will continue to play an important role. But then probably with synthetic and biogenic fuels, which raises further questions.
Gas & Heat 11/12/2024, 13:02
"District heat ordinance should be taken off the table"
Berlin - The AVB-Dernwärme-V has been under revision for months. The latest draft has been criticised by municipal utilities. Matthias Dümpelmann, Managing Director of 8KU, the association of the eight largest German municipal utilities, explains where the biggest omissions in the draft lie.
Gas & Heat 11/12/2024, 10:58
Current gas contracts
Hanover - The German Association of Energy Purchasers regularly reports on current gas contracts. Given the continuing lack of transparency in price levels for industrial customers, the data can provide a first indicator of achievable prices.
Gas & Heat 10/12/2024, 16:38
New timetable for Dutch hydrogen grid
Groningen - Gasunie subsidiary Hynetwork has updated its plans for the rollout of the national hydrogen grid. The planning process took longer than expected. The new schedule will be available for consultation until the end of January.