

Market & Industry

Market & Industry 16/09/2024, 12:55

Westfalen Weser Energie sets sights on green power sector

Paderborn - Together with regional wind power pioneers from the Paderborn district in North Rhine-Westphalia, Westfalen Weser Energie (WWE) wants to enter the green energy business. If municipal shareholders and competition authorities give the go-ahead, WWE will take over half of project developer LFS Energy.
Market & Industry 16/09/2024, 12:16

Infener plans H2 hub in South Baden

Stansstad/Gengesbach - Swiss project developer Infener is planning to build a hydrogen production plant in South Baden, Germany. A large electrolyser with a capacity of 20 MW is to be built in the town of Gengenbach in the Ortenau district.
Market & Industry 13/09/2024, 16:15

"There will be economically painful situations"

Berlin - In the wake of the various crises, insolvencies are piling up across Germany. For utilities, this may mean painful customer losses. Andreas Schwenzer from the strategy consultancy Advyce categorises the current situation in an interview, identifies risks and also ways of countering them.
Market & Industry 13/09/2024, 16:07

Enercity completes strategic shift in renewables

Hanover - Enercity is making a strategic shift in its renewables business. Instead of expanding its wind power portfolio through large-scale acquisitions, the utility will primarily realise wind farms itself from now on. In a first step, 100 MW are to be added, with a perspective of 1,000 MW. Lower Saxony will also build large-scale storage facilities in future.


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