Market & Industry 28/03/2025, 12:07
(Image: Hy2gen AG)
"Infrastructure special fund as a trailblazer for the hydrogen market"
Wiesbaden - The plans for a special fund of 500 billion euros to strengthen infrastructure offer a unique opportunity for Germany as a business location. Renewable hydrogen plays a key role in this, says Cyril Dufau-Sansot, CEO and co-founder of Hy2gen AG. What the hydrogen economy needs now.
Power 28/03/2025, 11:50
(Image: Jens Schicke)
"There is a lack of structural reforms"
Berlin - Negotiators from the CDU/CSU and SPD are also focussing on the electricity market. However, structural reforms are missing from the papers, writes Joachim Schmitz-Brieber, Senior Policy Specialist for Industry and Energy at the think tank Epico, in a guest commentary.
Politics 28/03/2025, 11:37
(Image: Thüga/Astrid Obert)
What do you expect from the black-red coalition, Mr Alsheimer?
Munich - The coalition negotiations between the CDU, CSU and SPD are currently underway in Berlin. energate is asking various stakeholders in a series about their expectations for the energy chapter of the future coalition agreement. In his response, Constantin Alsheimer, CEO of Thüga AG, argues in favour of strengthening market mechanisms.