

Politics 23/09/2024, 13:33

GHG quota: Only current CO2 certificates

Berlin - For the next two years, oil producers will only be allowed to use CO2 certificates from the same year to meet their greenhouse gas quota. This is the aim of a draft amendment to the Federal Immission Control Act. The amendment comes in the wake of cases of fraud.
Politics 23/09/2024, 13:00

Public's willingness for transformation overestimated

Berlin - The election results in the federal state of Brandenburg paint a similarly bleak picture for the 'traffic light coalition' as in Thuringia and Saxony. Ralph Kremp, partner at energy consultancy BET, sums up the results of the three state elections and looks ahead: The needs of the population must be taken seriously.
Politics 20/09/2024, 16:16

Of combustion engines and nationalisation - a gloss

Berlin - The automotive industry is in crisis. E-mobility is making no progress. The CDU/CSU (Christian Democrats) is calling on the Federal Minister of Economics to save combustion engine technology. This raises the question: Should Germany bury combustion engines?
Politics 20/09/2024, 15:43

Energy Minister warns against conspiracy theories

Leipzig - What Brandenburg has ahead of it, Saxony already has behind it: An election with a shift to the right and potential effects on the governing coalition in Berlin. When asked why the topic of the energy transition is currently being sidelined in the election campaign, Saxony's current Minister of Energy Wolfram Günther (Greens) has an answer.

Market & Industry

Market & Industry 23/09/2024, 15:31

Uniper initiates sales process for Datteln 4

Düsseldorf - The energy group Uniper has initiated the sale of the Datteln 4 coal-fired power plant. The company is aiming for a transaction that includes the power plant with a generation capacity of 1,052 MW as well as the personnel and all existing contracts.
Market & Industry 23/09/2024, 12:55

Siemens about to spin off e-mobility division

Erlangen/Zug - The restructuring of the the Siemens group continues. The e-mobility Ddivision is to become an independent company. According to the company, the move is intended to make the charging technology business more entrepreneurial and at the same time more attractive for new partnerships.
Market & Industry 23/09/2024, 11:00

The betrayal of climate protection has not yet stopped

Berlin - The Federal Environment Agency is currently working on investigating the fraud scandals surrounding UER projects and GHG quotas. For the new initiative 'Klimabetrug Stoppen' (Stop Climate Fraud), the measures are not sufficient and are not happening fast enough, as Sandra Rostek, spokesperson for the initiative, writes in a guest commentary for energate.
Market & Industry 20/09/2024, 15:05

Former Prokon board member Wuttke becomes PNE CEO

Cuxhaven - The wind power project developer PNE will be under new management from 2025. The Cuxhaven-based company has given former Prokon CEO Heiko Wuttke a three-year contract. Interim CEO Per Hornung Pedersen is to remain on the board until the end of March 2025.


Gas & Heat